Hybrid: Reporting to a specific location where work needs to be performed / collaboration should happen (regardless this location is within a hub) and without regard to where a candidate lives (some employees may end up hybrid who live more than 50 miles away but where business needs dictate them to be onsite at a specific location three days per week).
This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to GM Austin IT Innovation Center three times per week, at minimum.
This job may be eligible for relocation benefits.
About the Team:
Innovative design ideas are destined to be a catalyst to transform our automotive software and service experiences. The General Motors Interface Design team is dedicated to inventing, designing, and delivering our core software experiences in our vehicles and across our 1st party apps and branded websites.
About the Role:
Within the General Motors Interface Design Team, this role focuses on crafting and delivering the visual, type, material, and symbol design system across our vehicles, applications, and web platforms. This designer will be expected to design GM’s type, icon, brand, symbols, and visual systems including underlying UI component libraries.
Our interface design team is seeking a talented and passionate visual designer to help elevate the quality of our Design System. As a senior designer in our team you are ultimately responsible for providing design and creative leadership focused on delivering a world-class product experiences.
The ideal candidate will have strong conceptual and design execution skills showcasing visual design and design systems in their design portfolio.
Key Characteristics:
- Empathy – You are curious about how people work and think. You enjoy meeting users of interfaces you help design and understanding how and why they use them.
- Creativity – You can generate numerous potential solutions to a problem. More importantly, you can screen out bad ideas and identify good ones, without ego or attachment to any one idea.
- Design Communication Skills – You can communicate broad concepts as well as fine detail through written, graphical, and interactive media.
- Collaboration Skills – You are a natural collaborator, welcoming ideas from any source and able to build on them to make the work of your team successful.
- Comfortable with Ambiguity – You are comfortable working in an environment where problems and solutions are often not well defined. You can handle change, shift gears comfortably, and decide and act without having the total picture defined for you.
- Proactivity – You automatically solve for or know when to escalate foreseen problems before they become unmanageable. You speak up without hesitation or fear.
- A Keen Eye – You’re quick to recognize UI patterns and inconsistencies and understand how to connect the dots.
[Additional Description]
Top candidates will have an innovative vision for our product experiences leveraging typography, color, materials, physics, and user interface principles.
- Experience contributing within a cross-functional design team, ideally inspiring a team of designers dedicated to delivering on a product experience or feature
Commitment to supporting an evolving studio culture where designers develop in their careers and feel a strong sense of inclusion and belonging.
Critical for designers to have a deep sensibility and knowledge of user experience design principles, along with an exceptional eye for detail. They will expand on and build out future enhancements to our software experiences and will be involved in individual and group critiques of their work.
7+ years of experience focused on visual design including deep knowledge of typography, color theory, design materials, symbols, and branding.
Strong portfolio with work samples showcasing expertise in visual design and design systems.Open to feedback; knowing how to give and receive critique, and how and when to defend decisions.
Open to feedback; knowing how to give and receive critique, and how and when to defend decisions.
Proficiency in Figma, FigJam, and Adobe Creative Suite
Preferred Qualifications:
Design degree preferred
Do you want to be part of something amazing and come work alongside some of the most accomplished minds in the industry. We’re a community of designers and developers who want to make an immediate and significant impact. If you are driven to design better experiences for customers of an iconic company, then this is the right place for you.
다양성 정보
General Motors는 법적으로 금지된 차별을 배제하는 것은 물론 포용성과 소속감을 진정으로 장려하는 직장이 되기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 당사는 다양성이 보장되는 환경에서 직원들이 역량을 발휘하고 우리 고객을 위한 더 좋은 제품을 개발할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 따라서 입사에 관심 있는 사람이 있다면 포지션별 주요 업무와 자격을 확인하고 본인이 보유한 기술과 능력에 부합하는 모든 포지션에 적극적으로 지원하기를 장려합니다. 지원자는 채용 과정에서 역할 관련 평가(해당하는 경우) 및/또는 채용 전 스크리닝을 통과해야 합니다. 자세한 정보는 GM 채용 과정 안내를 참고하십시오.
공평한 취업 기회 선언 (미국)
General Motors는 공평한 기회를 제공하는 고용주임을 자부합니다. 자격을 만족하는 지원자는 인종과 피부색, 성별, 성적 지향, 성별 정체성, 국적, 장애, 재향 군인 보호법 적용 여부와 상관없이 채용 후보로서 심사를 받습니다.
숙소 (미국 및 캐나다)
General Motors는 장애인을 포함한 모든 구직자들에게 취업 기회를 제공합니다. 구직이나 취업 지원에 도움이 되는 합리적인 숙소가 필요한 경우 Careers.Accommodations@GM.com으로 이메일을 보내시거나 800-865-7580으로 전화주십시오. 이메일에, 귀하가 요청하는 특정한 숙소에 대한 설명과 귀하가 지원하는 직무와 채용 요청서 번호를 포함해주세요.