Work Arrangement
This role is categorized as on-site. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to HQ Building in Shanghai, China five times per week.
The Role -
This team will ultimately be responsible for developing, and maintaining GM’s entire infotainment software platform. We are looking for senior engineers with a very solid knowledge in developing Android software who are interested in applying their experience to delivering high quality software for future automotive Infotainment systems.
What You’ll Do -
- Contribute as designer and developer to building Android based infotainment solutions for automotive consumer devices.
- Responsible for the entire life cycle of the assigned domain, including requirements, system design, development, deployment, and maintenance of the infotainment software.
- Participate in the design of a best-in-class in-vehicle platform for GM infotainment systems.
- Follow our software development process where quality comes first and ensure that the designed solutions conform to architectural requirements such as scalability, maintainability, reliability, extensibility, usability and security.
- Engage in all regular software development activities such as architecture, feature requirements, design, code, and test case reviews to ensure that the team delivers high quality code on time.
- Bridge multiple disciplines, including Engineering, Information Technology, Technical Support, and Marketing, to make appropriate system-level design trade-offs and to identify, capture and refine system requirements and to identify innovation opportunities.
- Work on new feature development, as well as maintenance of existing features and bug fixes.
- Collaborate with team members in software development activities using the Scrum/Agile development process.
- Provide clear and complete documentation based on the definition of the software development process
[Additional Description]
Your Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications)
- Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related discipline;
- 7+ years (4+ years with Master) of software development experience.
- Strong Computer Science fundamentals and problem solving skills
- Working knowledge of SCM tools such as: GIT, JIRA, Eclipse IDE, ClearCase etc.
- Practical experience with Scrum/Agile software development process
- Ability to perform diagnostic and investigation based on limited information
- Ability to take challenges and solve problems of a diverse scope with multiple moving parts
- Good communication skill in English and Chinese, interpersonal skill
- Required for RTOS direction:
- Solid knowledge of RTOS, familiar with micro kernel technology
- Solid knowledge of OS scheduler, prefer to understand the RTOS based UI implement
- Solid knowledge of QNX communication mechanism
- Considerable programming experience in C/C++
- Considerable experience in Vehicle CAN message, Tools (VSPY or CANoE)
- Familiar with Embedded System RTOS, Device Driver development
What Will Give You A Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications)
- Experience with automotive IVI, Cluster, HUD and/or portable consumer electronic devices
- Experience in software performance engineering
- Experience in open source software contribution
- Technical documentation skills
- Experience in Virtualization technology on ARM architecture
- Experience in QNX development (Cluster, HUD etc)
- Experience in Linux development
- Experience in Virtualization technology on ARM architecture
- Experience in QNX development (Cluster, HUD etc)
- Experience in Linux development
다양성 정보
General Motors는 법적으로 금지된 차별을 배제하는 것은 물론 포용성과 소속감을 진정으로 장려하는 직장이 되기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 당사는 다양성이 보장되는 환경에서 직원들이 역량을 발휘하고 우리 고객을 위한 더 좋은 제품을 개발할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 따라서 입사에 관심 있는 사람이 있다면 포지션별 주요 업무와 자격을 확인하고 본인이 보유한 기술과 능력에 부합하는 모든 포지션에 적극적으로 지원하기를 장려합니다. 지원자는 채용 과정에서 역할 관련 평가(해당하는 경우) 및/또는 채용 전 스크리닝을 통과해야 합니다. 자세한 정보는 GM 채용 과정 안내를 참고하십시오.
공평한 취업 기회 선언 (미국)
General Motors는 공평한 기회를 제공하는 고용주임을 자부합니다. 자격을 만족하는 지원자는 인종과 피부색, 성별, 성적 지향, 성별 정체성, 국적, 장애, 재향 군인 보호법 적용 여부와 상관없이 채용 후보로서 심사를 받습니다.
숙소 (미국 및 캐나다)
General Motors는 장애인을 포함한 모든 구직자들에게 취업 기회를 제공합니다. 구직이나 취업 지원에 도움이 되는 합리적인 숙소가 필요한 경우 Careers.Accommodations@GM.com으로 이메일을 보내시거나 800-865-7580으로 전화주십시오. 이메일에, 귀하가 요청하는 특정한 숙소에 대한 설명과 귀하가 지원하는 직무와 채용 요청서 번호를 포함해주세요.